Some topics from either or hackerrank:
- Palindrome Number
Is a number palindrome?
Solution: reverse the integer and see if they equal. Pay attention to the sign
Big-O: 0 space n time (n is the length of number) - Palindrome Partition I
Find all possible ways to partition a string into palindrome substrings
Solution: DP
Big-O: n^2 space 2^n time (n is the length of string) - Palindrome Partition II
Find the minimum number of cuts to partition a string into palindrome substrings
Solution: Double DP. If use the previous problem, too much space and time.
Find P[i][j] s.t. P[i][j] is true if s[i:j] is palindrome. D[i] is the mincut
of s[i:].
Big-O: n^2 space n^2 time (n is the length of string) - Palindrome Index
Find the index in the string which if removed, makes the string palindrome
Solution: TODO - Longest Palindrome Substring
Solution: We can use the DP in “Pal Part II”, which will have O(n^2) big-O. Or we can use manacher’s algorithm in O(n).
Binary Tree
- Preorder Traversal
Solution: Trivial - Postorder Traversal
Solution: Trivial - Inorder Traversal
Solution: Trivial - Binary Tree Maximum Sum
Solution: This problem has a lot of edge cases, and the “path” is not so well-defined in the problem.
This problem seems to be a DP problem at the first sight, but if you think about it, you can expand in
two directions at the root, but not at children of root, which is not a “path”. I used a hash table
to store each node’s single path sum, defined as the max sum reached by going either to the left
or to the right, but not both. And traverse the tree to compute each node’s maxPathSum.
Big-O: n space nlogn time - Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
Solution: Use a queue. Brute force solution.
Big-O: n space n time - Minimum depth of tree
Find the minimum distance from root to a leaf node
Solution: this problem is not complicated, but not as trivial as it first appears. Consider (1, #, 2) as
an edge case.
Big-O: 1 space d work - Balanced Binary Tree
Solution: TrivialTODO: AVL Tree
- Sorted Array to Binary Tree
Solution: similar to binary search
Big-O: n space n time - Sorted list to Binary Tree
Solution: Use the above program
Big-O: n space n time - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
Solution: Trivial - Level order Traversal
Solution: Create a hash table of
Big-O: n time n space - Level order Traversal II
Solution: Similar to the above problem. - Zigzag level order traversal
Solution: Similar to the above - Same Tree
Solution: Trivial