Injective: $a \neq a’ \rightarrow f(a) \neq f(a’)$
Surjective: $\forall b\in B, \exists a\in A, f(a) = b$
$\mathbb{N} = \mathbb{Z}$ Countable = finite or countably infinite Cantor’s Theorem For any non-empty set $A$, $|A|\lt |P(A)|$. This can be proven by diagonalization. $S = a\in A: a\notin f(a)$ $S$ is defined by diagonalization so that $S$ cannot equal any $f(a)$. Continuum Hypothesis (Hilbert’s 1st Problem) There is no set $S$ such that $|\mathbb{N}|\lt |S|\lt |P(\mathbb{N})|$
String encoding: Computational problems can be serialized into a string
Computational Complexity
Every multitape TM has an equivalent single tape TM.
Running time depends on the particular model you choose
Running time is defined as $T_A(n) = max{# \text{steps A takes on I}}$ (max input instance)
intrinsic complexity is defined by $min$ (min algorithm).
Entscheidungsproblem: Decide whether a given statement is valid with a given set of axioms
To compute summations:
Rough bounding
Exact computation
Telescoping series ($\frac{1}{i(i+1)}$)
Comparison with an integral
Master Method For $T(n) \le a\dot T(\frac{n}{b}) + O(n^d)$,
First Order Logic = Prop. Logic + {$\forall$, $\exists$, $=$, “constants”, “relations”, “functions”} Variables are now objects. Vocabulary is a collection of constant-names, function-names, relation-names. Interpretation
Specifies the universe
Maps constant-name to object
Maps relation-name to actual relation
Maps function-name to actual function Satisfiability/Tautology: Similar to that in first order logic.
Finite Automata
Alphabet: A nonempty finite set $\Sigma$ of symbols, $\Sigma = {0, 1}$ usually. String: A finite sequence of 0 or more symbols.
The length-0 string is $\epsilon$
$\Sigma^n$ means all strings with length n.
$\Sigma^{*}$ means all strings over $\Sigma$
Language: A collection of strings. A subset of $\Sigma^{*}$.
Thus, we can think of a decision problem as a function: $f: \Sigma^{*} \rightarrow {NO, YES}$ Decision problem is finding a language L such that f(element in L) is true
DFA: $L(M) = x\in \Sigma^{*}: M \text{accepts } x$.
A deterministic finite automaton is a 5-tuple:
$Q$ is a nonempty finite set of states
$\Sigma$ is an alphabet
$\delta: Q * \Sigma \rightarrow Q$ is the transition function
$q_0\in Q$ is the start state
$F\subset Q$ is the set of accepting states
Accept Let $w = w_1w_2w_3…w_n$ We say that M accepts string w if there exists states $r_0r_1…r_n\in Q$ such that
$r_0 = q_0$
$\delta(r_{t-1}, w_t) = r_t$ for all $t$
$r_n\in F$. Otherwise, we say $M$ rejects $w$. The sequence $r_1r_2…r_n$ is called the computation trace.
Regular Languages A language is regular if there is a DFA that decides it
Proving a language is not regular
Assume for contradiction there is a DFA M which decides language L
Argue there are two strings x, y which reach the same state in M.
Show there is a string z such that $xz\in L$ and $yz\notin L$. Example: $a^nb^n$
$L_1\cup L_2$ is regular if $L_1$ and $L_2$ are.(Union Theorem)
$L_1\dot L_2$ (concatenation)
$L^{*}$ is regular if $L$ is.
More on Regular Languages
The empty language is regular
The singleton of empty string is regular
The singleton of each character in the alpahbet is regular
Inference, parameter learning (MLE), Structure learning (Prior over graphs, Regularization)
Markov Blanket
DGM but not UGM: rain, sprinkle -> wet
Inference: Generally intractable (approx. algorithms: MCMC)
Parameter Learning:
Complete Data -> Iterative Methods, max ent: doable but non-trivial
Incomplete Data -> E-M
Cannot generate data for undirected graphs (very hard)
How to generate data from Undirected Graphical Model
Random Walk
Supervised learning: Data are labeled
Query: Nearest neighbor (works for classification and regression)
Bayesian Belief Network
every node, conditioned on all immediate parents, is independent of all non-descendants
$O(2^{|\text{Parents}|})$: Factorization.
c -> r -> w. c is not independent of w. However, conditioned on KNOWing r, w is independent of c.
Parameter Learning in DGM
If there are complete data, then just need to worry about smoothing
incomplete -> EM algorithm. MLE from incomplete data
Structure learning
initialize u1, u2, … to some guess (centers of clusters of data points)
calculate “probabilistic assignment” of each $x_i$:
1st-order Markov Assumption
L-Z compression(1/3) 本来有一段信息basketball,compress。这需要compression algorithm to be adaptive 做20次添加到basketball的末尾,比对compress的结果。最后compression最短的那个添加的东西和basketball最有关
Given data $x_1, x_2, …$, assume $\sigma^2 = 1$, estimate u
hard bias: choice of gaussian; soft: max-likelihood method -
Lecture 16
Q1: How good is a hypothesis?
True error: $Err_D(h)$ (confidence interval of true error)
Q2: Is my hypothesis better than yours:
$d = Err_Dh_B - Err_Dh_A$
$\hat{d} = Err{SA}….Err{SB}$: unbiased estimation (notes有公式,很像confidence interval. SA SB are two samples better be similar. Pair Test. 比如一个班做两套不同的卷子是不合理的)
Q3: Is my learning algorithm better than yours:
$h=L_A(s)$ (s is the training sample)
We compare $Err_D(L_A(s))$, $Err_D(L_B(s))$. (s是蓝色的(observed), 所以这两个数都是observed,所以对于不同的training sample, 结果可能不一样。所以变成左右两边取expetation.)
Start with $H = (h_1, h_2, …, h_n)$. PRIOR(INITIAL): $p(h)$.
Data D
Likelihood $P(D|h)$
Bayes formula(MUST)
$P(h, D) = P(h) P(D|h) = P(D) P(h|D)$
$P(h)$ captures the belief BEFORE seeing the data, PRIOR
$P(h|D)$ captures … AFTER, POSTERIOR
$P(h|D) = \frac{P(D|h) * P(h)}{P(D)}$
If we have some prior belief and likelihood, after we see some data, the posterior is something we should believe. Bayesian learning updates your belief about life.
$h_{map}$是maximize posterior $p(h|D)$的h
如果$p(h)=\frac{1}{|H|}$, 那就相当于maximize$p(D|h)$, likelihood. 也叫 max likelihood hypothesis
Lecture 1
Jan 14 Wed
Machine Learning: program that gets better at some tasks(functions) with experiences(data, examples) Formalizing a task as a function learning task (f: board pos -> next move) Human Annotation: human assigning scores
f: INPUT -> P(INPUT) Probability Density Estimation Binary Classification = Concept Learning = Learning a subset of $X$.
Lecture 2
Wed Jan 21 10:48:53 EST 2015
Input space: A set of features
Target Concept: The concept or function to be learned, denoted by $c$, a boolean- valued function defined over the instances $X$; that is, $c$ : $X \rightarrow {0, 1}$
Training Examples: $D$
Hypothesis Conjunctions of literals. Eg $<?, Cold, High, ?, ?>$. We are looking for $h$ in the set of all possible hypothesis $H$ such that $\forall x, h(x) = c(x)$
$|X| \ll |H| \ll |C| = 2^x$, $|C|$ is the set of all possible functions (concept space)
X is input space, H is hypothesis space (each item + 1), C is concept space ($2^{|X|}$)
Lecture 3
$D={(x_1, c(x_1)), …}$ data Each concept c_i is a bit vector.
Hypothesis consistency $Consistent(h, D) = \forall \in D, h(x) = c(x)$ Version space $VS_{H,D} = {h\in H| Consistent(h, D)}$
Find-S algorithm
hypo = <null, null, ...> # says NO to everything
# D is the data {(x1, c(x1)), (x2, c(x2)), ...}
# looking for target concept c in C
for positive_example in D:
for attribute_constraint in hypo:
if pos_example satisfied by attr_constraint: pass
else: hypo := next more general constraint satisfied by attr_constraint
return hypo
Problems with Find-S
Fails when training data inconsistent
Picks a maximally specific $h$
hypos = a list containing every hypothesis
for <x, c(x)> in D:
remove h in hypos if h(x) != c(x)
return hypos
Lecture 4 Informaiton theory
Hard bias: eg. “Language bias” (conjunctions)
Soft bias: “ranking”, preference bias (prefer hypothesis that tends to say NO)
Information = Reduction in Uncertainty Suprisal = information received when observing an outcome = $I(\text{sunny}) = log_2 \frac{1}{prob(\text{sunny})} \in [0, \infty)$ Information is additive:
Lecture 5
Suprise(Information learned) = $log2\frac{1}{p(e)}$, where $p(e)$ is subjective, int BITS. Cross Entropy $\Sigma p_i I(s_i)$. Fundamental Inequality Distance $D{KL}(p||q) = E_p[log\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}]\ge 0$ A special case would be $p = q$, when we fully know the “truth”. $0\lte CH(p, p) \lte log k$, where $log k$ is fully uniform. 20 questions game. Ask questions which answers you think are equally likely to be $0$ and $1$, so that you can learn the most information.
$H(Letter) = log{27} = 4.75 BITS$.
Lecture 6
Entropy is a tight lower bound of efficiency of emitting events. Regular Variable: holds a single value. Random Variable: distribution Joint Entropy, Conditional Entropy, Average Conditional Entropy. Average Conditional Entropy, $H(T/M)$. $H(T) - H(M/T)$, how much $M$ is telling us on average about $T$. $H(T) - H(M/T) = H(M) - H(M/T)$ $I(X; Y; Z) = I(X,Y) - I(X,Y|Z)$ $I(X, Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y)$ $I(y, {x_1, x_2, …}) = I(y, x_1) + (y; x_2|x_1) + I(y, x_3|x_1, x_2) + …$
Lecture 7
Decision Tree
Same attribute will not appear twice in a single path
Lecture 8
Draw a decision tree from $f(A, B, C, D, E) = (A\wedge B)\vee (C\wedge \not D\wedge E)$ Decision trees can represent any functions.
Lecture 9
Law of total variance: $VAR(y) = VAR(E[y|x]) + E[VAR(y|x)]$ First: how far apart the centers are Second: WITHIN-CLUSTER VARIANCE
Lecture 11
Linear Regression
To a multi-linear regression: $\beta{OLS} = (X^TX)^{-1}(X^TY)$ Hard bias: … Soft bias: square of residue _Sparse Estimation: p >> n. $\beta$ is non-identifiable
L2 Norm(sum of squared beta): “Ridge Regression”
L1 Norm(sum of abs beta): “Lasso Regression”
L0 Norm(number of non-zero beta) Regularization: minimize $argmin(Error(data, param) + Complexity(Param))$ In this example: square of residues + norm of Beta
Lecture 12
Neural Networks
Works really well with complex real-world sensor-data Since human neurons switch slowly compared to computers, but is able to do complicated computations quickly. It is conjectured that humans do parallel computation. Learning corresponds to assigning weights to edges in an acyclic directed graph.
Perceptrons: Takes a vector of real inputs, calculates a linear comb. If bigger threshold, output 1; 0 otherwise Learning a perceptron = choosing values for the coeffs! It can represent primitive boolean functions AND, OR, NAND, … And all boolean functions in general Training a perceptron: start with arbitrary weights, repeat… (p88) to modify $w_i$ to new $w_i$: $\Delta w_i = \ita (t-o)x_i$, where $\ita$ is the Learning Rate, which is a small value.
Lecture 13
Single Linear Unit / Network of L.U.’s / Perceptron(STEP fxn,Classifier) / Network of Perceptrons Expressive Power(hard bias): All Linear fxns / Still Linear, / Linear Classifiers / Any decision problem Optimization Criterion(soft bias): Mean Squared Error / Same / Misclassific Rate / Same Computational complexity: Algebraically, Gradient Decent / Same / Perceptron Learning Rule / Not continuous (No known feasible algo.)
(no bias -> no learning) Sigmoid function: Network of Sigmoid: any function / MSE / Gradient Decent (exists local minimal)
Back Propagation:
Midterm Prep
Data mining: extract information from a large data set and transform it to a structure for future use Target function Hypothesis: h is a conjunction of constraints on attributes constraints: value; don’t care; no value allowed; Concept learning: Training example: <$x_1$, c($x_1$)>, where c is the target function or concept. Determine: h such that h(x) = c(x) for all x in D Find-S: h0 = most specific (no to everything); for each pos example, “merge” the attribute constraint consistent: (h, D) if h(x) = c(x) for all c in D version space: subset of H(hypothesis space) consistent with all training data D List-then-Eliminate: start with the biggest hypothesis space; find version space by checking each training example Input Space: X, Hypothesis Space: H (+1), Concept Space: $2^{|X|}$
Information Theory Information: Reduction in uncertainty: $I(E)=log_2\frac{1}{P(E)}$ Entropy: From a Zero-memory source S, the entropy is $\Sigma_i p_i * I(s_i) = E[log\frac{1}{p_i}]$ avg amount of information H(T, M) < H(T) + H(M) ??? q distribution ??? H(T) - H(T|M) = H(M) - H(M|T) ???
Lecture 15
Hypothesis Testing
Q1: Given a hypothesis, how good is it? Q2: Given two hypothesis, which one is better? Q3: Given two learning algorithms, which one is better? Not about the portion of the mistakes in the whole input space, but the probability of making errors.(Consider when most of the examples are mistakes) $Err_r(h)$ is an estimator of $Err_D(h)$. $BIAS = E[EST] - TRUTH$ (Mean is around the truth) $VARIANCE = E[EST - E[EST]]^2$(Also needs to be accurate (sharp around the truth)) True Error to Sample Error (Probability calculation) Sample Error to True Error (Statistical Inferrence)
Propositional Variables: basic statements that can be either true or false, like $p, w, r, x_1, x_2, x_3$
Not $\neg$
And $\wedge$
Or $\vee$
Implies $\rightarrow$
If and Only if $\leftrightarrow$
formula: Connectives and P.V. well-formed formula:
Initial: Any variable
Deduction Rules: From $A$, can obtain $\neg A$. From $A, B$, can obtain $A\vee B$, $A\wedge B$, $A\rightarrow B$, $A\leftrightarrow B$.
A formula is a binary tree in which:
2-child nodes are labeled by binary ops
1-child nodes are labeled by unary ops
0-child nodes are labeled by variables
Truth Assignment V: setting of true and false for each variable Given a formula $S$, its truth value $V[S]$ can be defined by structural induction
$V$ satisfies $S$: $V[S] = T$
$S$ is satisfiable: $\exists V$ such that $V[S] = T$
$S$ is unsatisfiable: $\forall V, V[S] = F$
$S$ is tautology: $\forall V, V[S] = T$
Equivalent: Formulas $R$ and $S$ are equivalent, $R \equiv S$ if $\forall V, V[R] = V[S]$. Entailment: Formulas $A_1, …, A_m$ entail formula $S$, written $A_1, …, A_m \models S$ if every truth assignment which makes $A_i$ true makes $S$ true. Truth table: It represents a Boolean function, $f: {0, 1}^n \rightarrow {0, 1}$.
There are $2^{2^n}$ truth tables on n variables.
Every truth table can be computed by some formula, only using $\neg, \vee, \wedge$
In circuits, nodes (gates) may have fan-out > 1.
Formulas are trees: all nodes have fan-out 1.
Circuits can reuse already-computed pieces. Formulas cannot; everything must be “rebuilt”.
Deduction viewpoint: The circuit is the deduction. The formula is the last line.
I love KFC. Everyone does. Especially in Pittsburgh, where the winter is cold and humid, it’s always good to get some extra calories. However, I noticed that when I order chicken at KFC, they always ask if I want dark meat or white meat. Dark meat is 1/2 dollars cheaper than white. So I always choose dark to save some money. However, I am always wondering does dark mean “bad quality” or something? I googled it and decided to write a blog about this. I referred to Peter James’ answer on Quora. You can also find a nutrition chart on this page. Basically, legs and thighs are dark meat, and breast is white meat. I highly recommend dark meat over white. KFC made it seem that dark meat is inferior. In fact, although it has a little bit more calories and fat, it is much more tasty than white. Chicken breast is the most flavorless, dry part on a chicken. On the contrary, legs and thighs are tender, juicy, and flavorful. Get salad not KFC if you want to eat healthy. If you go to KFC, I assume that you don’t care much about the extra calories you get from thighs. 中文版就是: 我们都是中国人,我们知道鸡腿肉比鸡胸肉不知道高到哪里去了,而且还便宜,以后请放心大胆的点dark meat!
I happened to walk in an Indian market on Craig street. I wanted to try something exotic, and bought this curry powder: . Ingredients:
Vegetables(potato, onion)
Chicken thigh(Breast is okay but thigh is more moist and flavorful. Use breast if you do not like skin)
Coconut milk(This makes the curry so different than the ones made with water) Steps:
Pan-sear the thigh. This burns the fat and makes the skin crispy.
Cut thigh and vegetables into cubes. Stir-fry them with curry powder until they smell fragrant and potatoes turn gold.
Add lots of coconut milk. Do not add water. Let it boil.
Serve it with nice rice. I like to sprinkle some somoked paprika on top of it to make it more tasty.
I know it is not the authentic way to cook Indian food, but I think it is fast and tasty. You can try this. Try any combination of meat and vegetables. As long as there is the authentic curry powder and coconut milk, it will be thick, spicy, and tasty.