Communication Complexity
- $D_2(F)$ = min cost of a protocol computing F. (min of max)
- $R_2^e(F)$ min cost of a randomized protocol computing $F$.
- $0 \lte R \lte D \lte n+1$
- If TM decides L in $T(n)$ time and $S(n)$ space on input $3n$, then $T(n)*S(n)=\Omega(n^2)$
- $C^D(F)$ be the minimum number of monochromatic rectangles to partition
- $2^c \ge C^D(F)$
Markov Chain
The future is independent of the past, given the present
- stationary/invariant distribution
- Mean Recurrence Theorem
- transition matrix: $K[i, j] = Pr[X_1=j | X_0 = i]$
- Probability of being at state $i$ after $t$ steps: $\pi_t[i] = (\pi_0K^t)[i]$
- $E[T_{ii}] = E[#\text{steps to go from i to i}]$ = $1/\pi[i]$
Midterm 3 Review
Polynomial And Field
- There is a field with q elements iff q is a power of prime
- isomorphism: all fields with q elements have the same add&mult table, just renaming
- F[x] denotes the set of polynomials with variable x and coeffs. in field F. F[x] is not a field because division is not well-defined
- Polynomial division: deg(R(x)) < deg(B(x))
- A nonzero degree-d polynomial has at most d roots(depending on which field it may vary)
- There is exactly one poly of degree <= d which satisfies d+1 data points.
- Reed-Solomon Code: Sending as polynomials to avoid loss. 1. k erasures: send d+k+1 value-pairs 2. k corruptions: send d+2k+1 pairs, then there is a unique poly that differs with data at at most k points.
- Euler’s Theorem & Fermat’s Little Theorem
- One-time pad (XOR); cannot be reused; Shannon’s Theorem: cannot have a pad smaller than the key size
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: prime p, generator b, random r1 -p, b, $b^{r1}$> random r2 -> $b^{r2}$
Public Secure Key: RSA
Monte Carlo: possible to make errors, guarantee runtime
- Min-cut: poly time. 1 - $\frac{1}{e}$
- Las Vegas : guarantee answer, possible worst running time
- Quicksort
Primality testing
- Miller-Rabin: $O(n^2)$, with error rate $2^{-100}$
- To compute $A^B mod c$, repeatedly square $A$ and mod $c$. $O(n^2\log(n))$
- Reciprocal
- Euler totient: $\phi(x)$
- Euler’s theorem: $A^{\phi(M)} \equiv_M 1$, A,M relatively prime
- Fermat’s little theorem: $A^{p-1}\equiv_p 1$