Formalization of Proof
First Order Logic = Prop. Logic + {$\forall$, $\exists$, $=$, “constants”, “relations”, “functions”}
Variables are now objects.
Vocabulary is a collection of constant-names, function-names, relation-names.
- Specifies the universe
- Maps constant-name to object
- Maps relation-name to actual relation
- Maps function-name to actual function
Satisfiability/Tautology: Similar to that in first order logic.
Finite Automata
Alphabet: A nonempty finite set $\Sigma$ of symbols, $\Sigma = {0, 1}$ usually.
String: A finite sequence of 0 or more symbols.
- The length-0 string is $\epsilon$
- $\Sigma^n$ means all strings with length n.
- $\Sigma^{*}$ means all strings over $\Sigma$
Language: A collection of strings. A subset of $\Sigma^{*}$.
Thus, we can think of a decision problem as a function:
$f: \Sigma^{*} \rightarrow {NO, YES}$
Decision problem is finding a language L such that f(element in L) is true
DFA: $L(M) = x\in \Sigma^{*}: M \text{accepts } x$.
A deterministic finite automaton is a 5-tuple:
- $Q$ is a nonempty finite set of states
- $\Sigma$ is an alphabet
- $\delta: Q * \Sigma \rightarrow Q$ is the transition function
- $q_0\in Q$ is the start state
- $F\subset Q$ is the set of accepting states
Let $w = w_1w_2w_3…w_n$
We say that M accepts string w if there exists states $r_0r_1…r_n\in Q$ such that
- $r_0 = q_0$
- $\delta(r_{t-1}, w_t) = r_t$ for all $t$
- $r_n\in F$.
Otherwise, we say $M$ rejects $w$.
The sequence $r_1r_2…r_n$ is called the computation trace.
Regular Languages
A language is regular if there is a DFA that decides it
Proving a language is not regular
- Assume for contradiction there is a DFA M which decides language L
- Argue there are two strings x, y which reach the same state in M.
- Show there is a string z such that $xz\in L$ and $yz\notin L$.
Example: $a^nb^n$
- $L_1\cup L_2$ is regular if $L_1$ and $L_2$ are.(Union Theorem)
- $L_1\dot L_2$ (concatenation)
- $L^{*}$ is regular if $L$ is.
More on Regular Languages
- The empty language is regular
- The singleton of empty string is regular
- The singleton of each character in the alpahbet is regular
- Union
- Concatenation
- Kleene star
- In fact, all set operations can be performed
(On how to prove a language is regular)[]
(On how to prove regular languages are closed under reverse)[]
Pumping Lemma Not really understand